Can you help?

Can you help?

Project FIAS (Fostering Inclusive Action Sports) is gathering information for a new Community Building Toolkit that will help support communities of women+ mountain bikers and contribute to the transformation of mountain bike culture towards greater inclusivity and gender equality. The Toolkit will help groups get them set up, grow and thrive.

If you would like your project, activity or group included in the toolkit, please let us know here.

More information:

The FIAS Toolkit aims to bring together the wealth of collective wisdom from existing groups and communities across the UK who create inclusive, welcoming spaces for women+. There is a lot of amazing work being done to open up mountain biking to all. We want this to be available and accessible to all. 

The toolkit is part of our wider work on Project FIAS (Fostering Inclusive Action Sport).

The Toolkit will provide suggested activities, resources and case studies in four areas: 

  • Setting up a group: laying strong foundations for an inclusive, welcoming and thriving community 
  • Recruiting and diversifying: knowing who you’d like to connect with and how to reach them 
  • Getting the vibe right on every ride:
  • ensuring a positive experience for all group members 
  • Retaining and sustaining:
  • developing the group by investing in volunteers 

Do you have suggestions for what we should include? Examples might include:

  • A course you have done that helped set the tone of your group or establish group values 
  • The training your volunteers do 
  • A group you are part of that proactively recruits particular groups to combat inequalities in mountain biking 
  • A scheme you know of that helps encourage women+ to enroll in ride leader training

We are looking for small and large examples and resources, and case studies too.

Please feel free to forward this post!