Game On screening – Bristol University’s report

Bristol University has posted an excellent precis of the Game On screening and subsequent discussion over on its blog page, and we’d be remiss if we didn’t link to it here!

Game On: The Unstoppable Rise of Women’s Sport

New Podcast of Kelly Film Discussion

We recently wrote about Fi’s attendance at the premiere of Kelly, a new film about Kelly-Jayne Collinge, a Cotic ambassador and Komoot community Manager. It charts her journey into mountain biking, and the reaction of her industry partners when she announced that she was pregnant (If you’ve not already done so, you can watch it here).

Award winning podcaster Aoife Glass, from Spindrift, hosted the subsequent panel discussion, and it’s now available up on the Spindrift site as a podcast.

Featuring Fi, alongside Aoife, Kelly Jayne Collinge, Vicky Balfour, Bron Black and Dr Phoebe Sneddon, Topics ranged from cycling, pregnancy and  motherhood, representation of women in cycling, accessible trails, how the  bike industry can increase diversity and better support women, how cycling is portrayed amongst many other topics!

Give it a listen at the Spindrift site

FIAS at Reframing Mountain Biking Conference 2024

On 1-2 March 2024, Fi was invited to speak at the latest Reframing Mountain Biking conference which was held in Sheffield. First held in 2022, the Ride Sheffield organised conference aims to assess how mountain biking in the UK can progress, and some of the challenges it faces as it does so. It aims to make mountain biking a ‘better, more inclusive and sustainable, fun space for all’.

Fi and other delegates at the 2022 event. Pic by GuyKesTV

Over the two days of the conference, delegates witnessed talks on closing the gender gap, social impact marketing, the relationship between eMTB, disability and Green exercise, getting more people on bikes through sustainable MTB, and Fi spoke on ‘Developing a Toolkit for Community Led Initiatives’.

Speakers included Adam Dayson (WorkWith Studios), Fee Wallace ( Aberdeenshire Trail Association and Developing Mountain Biking in Scotland), Dr James Cherrington (Sheffield Hallam University ), Dave Evans (UK Trails Project, Developing Mountain Biking in Scotland), and Hans Stoops (IMBA Europe).

Fi also presented the Project FIAS research findings and introduced the Framework, as she explains:

“It was received well, and the further workshops in the afternoon were a chance to explore some of our key pillars. I took part on ‘rethinking storytelling in mountain biking”.

On day two, the delegates decamped to Parkwood Springs for some MTB-based engagement sessions such as trail maintenance or skills training.

For more information on the Reframing Mountain Biking conference, please see the website here.

Trailblazer Sue Anstiss to visit Bristol for Game On screening

The GAME ON event that Project FIAS is hosting has a new press release from the University of Bristol!

Trailblazer visits Bristol to celebrate women’s sport and inspire next generation of players

People in Bristol are invited to a special screening of the hit Netflix documentary Game On, which celebrates the inspiring rise of women’s sport and features some of the world’s most successful sports stars.

The free event, hosted by the University of Bristol on Wednesday March 13, includes a panel discussion with the film’s director Sue Anstiss MBE, a women’s sport activist who has championed positive change for more than 30 years.

The discussion, featuring leading experts in the field, will explore the role of media in generating a more inclusive future for women’s sport.

Event facilitator Dr Fiona Spotswood, Associate Professor in Marketing and Consumption at the University of Bristol Business School, said: “This is a great opportunity for people of all ages to watch a fantastic film about how far women’s sport has progressed, especially in recent years.

“It’s also a chance to hear from the director, who has played such a pivotal role in this historic movement, as well as other leading practitioners. While there is much to celebrate, there are also still significant barriers to overcome and we look forward to talking about such obstacles and how we can tackle them together.”

Game On: The Unstoppable Rise of Women’s Sport, which is also a book, focuses on the surging popularity of women’s football fuelled by the phenomenal performances of women’s teams and increased media coverage prompting greater spectator numbers.

But inequality in sports participation remains an issue and the lack of diversity in cultural representation on media platforms can perpetuate this. The discussion will explore what challenges persist and proven ways to promote inclusivity and help achieve equality.

Game On, which charts the past, present and future for women’s sport and its impact on society,was released last summer, coinciding with high-profile female sporting action such as The Ashes, FIFA Women’s World Cup, and Netball World Cup.

Told through the eyes of sporting legends and pioneers, it includes interviews with Olympic gold medallist heptathlete Denise Lewis, BBC presenter Clare Balding, Paralympian wheelchair racer Tanni Grey-Thompson, England footballer Kelly Smith, Rugby Union player Ugo Monye, England netballer Pamela Cookey, and TV sports presenters Clare Balding and Laura Woods. It also follows the journeys of professional rugby player Poppy Cleall and professional boxer Katie Taylor.

Sue Anstiss MBE, who received the title for services to women’s sport in 2018, said: “I’m really looking forward to visiting Bristol and hope this beautiful, engaging film will strike a chord with both male and female audiences. The goal is to open people’s minds to the power sport has to drive change in society, and showcase the obstacles female athletes still face in their fight for equality.

“It was a privilege to film with such an array of sporting talent both on and off the field. Our panel discussion promises to explore the opportunities and challenges ahead for women’s sport, while also hopefully inspiring future generations.”

Tickets are limited and available on a first come first served basis, so please book in advance.

GAME ON – Netflix film screening from the UoB Business School

Game ON; the unstoppable Rise of Women’s Sport is a documentary funded by Netflix, and written and directed by Sue Anstiss, author of the book of the same name.

It documents the rise of women’s sport, and also highlights the challenges it faces when seeking exposure on a similar footing to men’s sport, which enjoys vastly more coverage and support.

Project FIAS is hosting a FREE OF CHARGE screening of the film on March 13th at 14:30.

Following the screening, Sue Anstiss will join a panel discussing the issues raised,  chaired by Dr Fi Spotswood. Panellists will include Aneela McKenna, Aoife Glass, Jean Williams and Zoe Woodman.

Tickets are available now – click here to get yours! 

Why sex no longer sells in cycling media

Recently, a marketing video promoting Muc Off was re-shared, which ignited considerable controversy for sexualising bike washing – something that, well, didn’t really ask or need to be sexualised.

Muc Off cleaning glove still
A still from the Muc Off video

Many were concerned that it represents a throwback to an older, less enlightened era, although predictably there were also those who were offended that people were offended.

Fi was recently asked for her thoughts on the debate for an article in Cycling Weekly, which does an excellent job of explaining what the problem is, and why something that would’ve been largely seen as acceptable 20 years ago is generating such ire today.

Click here to read the article



We need your help!

Fi Spotswood and a group of bikers
Can you help?

We’re putting together a Community Building TOOLKIT that will help support communities of women+ mountain bikers. The Toolkit will help new groups set up, grow and thrive.

If you would like your project, activity or group included in the toolkit, please let us know by clicking on this link.

Or, if you know someone you think might be interested in being included, please pass the details on – and help to contribute to the transformation of mountain bike culture towards greater inclusivity and gender equality.


More information:

The FIAS Toolkit aims to bring together the wealth of collective wisdom from existing groups and communities across the UK who create inclusive, welcoming spaces for women+. There is a lot of amazing work being done to open up mountain biking to all; we want this to be available and accessible. The toolkit is part of our wider work on Project FIAS (Fostering Inclusive Action Sport).

The Toolkit will provide suggested activities, resources and case studies in four areas:

  • Setting up a group: laying strong foundations for an inclusive, welcoming and thriving community
  • Recruiting and diversifying: knowing who you’d like to connect with and how to reach them
  • Getting the vibe right on every ride: ensuring a positive experience for all group members
  • Retaining and sustaining: developing the group by investing in volunteers

Do you have suggestions for what we should include? Examples might include:

  • A course you have done that helped set the tone of your group or establish group values
  • The training your volunteers do
  • A group you are part of that proactively recruits particular groups to combat inequalities in mountain biking
  • A scheme you know of that helps encourage women+ to enroll in ride leader training

We are looking for small and large examples and resources, and case studies too. Please feel free to pass this on.

Thank you!

Project FIAS on BBC Radio!

Last week Fi was invited onto BBC Radio Bristol to talk about Project FIAS. During her chat with John Darvall Fi touched on a number of relevant topics.

“It’s always fun talking about our research,” she said. “I managed to discuss cultural representation, leadership and transformative action as well as how sport has been historically ‘made’ gendered. John agreed that women’s right to play through sport is a real priority!”

You can check out the whole show HERE (Fi’s on at about the 2:09:00 mark)


With thanks to our research funders The British Academy and PolicyBristol.

Can you help?

Can you help?

Project FIAS (Fostering Inclusive Action Sports) is gathering information for a new Community Building Toolkit that will help support communities of women+ mountain bikers and contribute to the transformation of mountain bike culture towards greater inclusivity and gender equality. The Toolkit will help groups get them set up, grow and thrive.

If you would like your project, activity or group included in the toolkit, please let us know here.

More information:

The FIAS Toolkit aims to bring together the wealth of collective wisdom from existing groups and communities across the UK who create inclusive, welcoming spaces for women+. There is a lot of amazing work being done to open up mountain biking to all. We want this to be available and accessible to all. 

The toolkit is part of our wider work on Project FIAS (Fostering Inclusive Action Sport).

The Toolkit will provide suggested activities, resources and case studies in four areas: 

  • Setting up a group: laying strong foundations for an inclusive, welcoming and thriving community 
  • Recruiting and diversifying: knowing who you’d like to connect with and how to reach them 
  • Getting the vibe right on every ride:
  • ensuring a positive experience for all group members 
  • Retaining and sustaining:
  • developing the group by investing in volunteers 

Do you have suggestions for what we should include? Examples might include:

  • A course you have done that helped set the tone of your group or establish group values 
  • The training your volunteers do 
  • A group you are part of that proactively recruits particular groups to combat inequalities in mountain biking 
  • A scheme you know of that helps encourage women+ to enroll in ride leader training

We are looking for small and large examples and resources, and case studies too.

Please feel free to forward this post!

Fi Spotswood nominated as one of Cycling UK’s 100 Women in Cycling

FIAS project lead Dr Fi Spotswood has been nominated as one of the 100 Women in Cycling 2023 by CyclingUK.

The nominations are designed to showcase and celebrate inspirational women who are encouraging others to experience the joy of cycling; Dr Spotswood was nominated based on project FIAS and the work we’re doing with our consortium of partners – which includes Welsh Cycling, Scottish Cycling, British Cycling and Forestry England.

The 100 Women in Cycling initiative showcases the role women have to play in fostering a more inclusive culture across cycling,” said Dr Spotswood.

The FIAS project focuses on mountain biking: Dr Spotswood has been talking to women cyclists, industry and media to understand the persistent gender inequalities in the scene.

“Our follow-on projects at the University of Bristol underpin work with public organisations all committed to helping transform mountain biking. Collectively we’re working to continue transforming mountain biking so it is a place where women and girls feel they belong and can thrive.

Fi Spotswood, Lady Canning Plantation 

“My roles in cycling vary – as well as our research, I lead a kids’ mountain bike club and I lead groups of women mountain bikers. It’s been fantastic to be nominated and to learn about all the other women working in incredible ways to foster change in cycling. I feel very proud.”

Click here to find out who else made the list of 2023 nominees!