A Busy Week…

It’s been quite the week for Project FIAS!

We’ve just taken great strides towards our goal of co-creating a national strategy for women’s mountain biking by hosting our first steering committee workshop. We brought experts from a variety of action sports, not just mountain biking, to bear on a framework based on principles of increased opportunity, visibility, inclusivity, integration and transformation.

You’ll be hearing a lot more about this in the future.

What’s more, over the past few days there’s been a huge article published on the project entitled ‘Mind The Gap’ in  the 34th issue of Cranked magazine (get your own copy here) and Aoife Glass of the award-nominated Spindrift podcast has published a wide-ranging interview with Fi online (here’s the link)

Thanks, as ever, to our research funders The British Academy and PolicyBristol.

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